Coruscant Stronghold

Coruscant Stronghold

Glittering atop one of Coruscant’s highest city-spires, this luxurious penthouse apartment is located at the heart of the prestigious Senate District. It features elegant traditional Republic architecture, roomy interiors, and a view of the city skyline to rival any on Coruscant. Discreet but robust security features ensure that only the owner’s chosen guests can gain access.

* Note, video has some very bad echo and microphone. This is one of the oldest videos I’ve ever made!

How to Get the Coruscant Stronghold

There are no requirements to getting the Coruscant Apartment Stronghold except having enough credits on hand to purchase it, and have a Republic character that can reach the Republic Fleet to purchase the stronghold – but you can then visit your stronghold from either faction. The initial unlock is only 5,000 credits, as it is considered a “starter” stronghold as it is not as expensive as other strongholds.

Personal Coruscant Stronghold Unlock Costs

Room Credit Cost Cartel Coins Visitors Decorations
Initial Unlock 5,000 500 CC 5 100
East Stairway 10k 100 CC + 5 + 20
West Stairway 10k 100 CC + 5 + 20
Main Room 25k 200 CC + 5 + 50
Living Quarters 25k 200 CC + 5 + 25
South Room 40k 300 CC + 5 + 20
West Room 40k 300 CC + 5 + 20
East Room 40k 300 CC + 5 + 20
Garage 250k 750 CC + 5 + 50
Balcony 1 million 1,250 CC + 5 + 25
Total 1.45 million 4,000 CC 50 People 350

Guild Coruscant Stronghold Unlock Costs

Room Credit Cost Visitors Decorations
Initial Unlock 50k 5 100
East Stairway 30k + 5 + 20
West Stairway 30k + 5 + 20
Main Room 75k + 5 + 50
Living Quarters 75k + 5 + 25
South Room 120k + 5 + 20
West Room 120k + 5 + 20
East Room 120k + 5 + 20
Garage 750k + 5 + 50
Balcony 3 million + 5 + 25
Total 4.37 million 50 People 350

Imperial Characters & the Coruscant Stronghold

To visit your Coruscant Stronghold on an Imperial character, you will need to pay 2,000 Credits each time you go to the stronghold, to pay a mercenary to smuggle you in.

If you are playing on an Imperial Agent character, you get a discount, and only need to pay 250 Credits each time you go to the stronghold, to pay for supplies, fuel and bribery.

If you don’t like this fee, make sure to either pick a neutral stronghold, or also pick up the Dromund Kaas stronghold for your Republic characters!

Coruscant Apartment

This apartment features a very bright tint from the sunset of Coruscant, and a view of the area surrounding the Senate building. The atmospheric sounds include a constant hum from many intra-planetary shuttles and taxis going by.

The Capitol of the Republic, Coruscant is a bustling city-covered planet that serves as a symbol to the peace a prosperity the Galactic Republic has gained with the help of the Jedi, the Republic army and the Senate. Live in the upper altitudes of Coruscant’s main city, with a stunning view of the soaring towers and the Republic Fleet in orbit overhead. These respectable quarters would be suitable for any emissary, Jedi, noble, honored veteran or successful merchant.

This luxurious penthouse apartment is located in the prestigious Senate District of Coruscant. Such prime real estate is reserved for powerful and well-connected individuals. It features state-of-the-art architecture, a magnificent view, and a high-grade security system to ward off unwanted solicitors.


Your initial unlock gets you a small entry area, a hallway, and two small rooms with large windows.


Arrival Points

There are two arrival points you can set your character to load in to:

  • First Floor, near the elevator (default)
  • Second Floor, out on the Balcony


There are ten total unlocks including the initial unlock – 9 expansion rooms/areas.

Initial Unlock

The Initial Unlock unlock in the Coruscant Stronghold costs 5,000 credits or 500 Cartel Coins.

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The East Stairway unlock in the Coruscant Stronghold costs 10k credits or 100 Cartel Coins.

The West Stairway unlock in the Coruscant Stronghold costs 10k credits or 100 Cartel Coins.

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The Balcony unlock in the Coruscant Stronghold costs 1 million credits or 1,250 Cartel Coins.

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Main Room

The Main Room unlock in the Coruscant Stronghold costs 25k credits or 200 Cartel Coins.

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Living Quarters

The Living Quarters unlock in the Coruscant Stronghold costs 25k credits or 200 Cartel Coins.

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East and West Rooms

The West Room unlock in the Coruscant Stronghold costs 40k credits or 300 Cartel Coins.

The East Room unlock in the Coruscant Stronghold costs 40k credits or 300 Cartel Coins.

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South Room

The South Room unlock in the Coruscant Stronghold costs 40k credits or 300 Cartel Coins.

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The Garage unlock in the Coruscant Stronghold costs 250k credits or 750 Cartel Coins.

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Have a suggestion or correction? Go to the Swtorista Website Discord and post your report in the #decorations channel. You will need to make a free Discord account.